Public Policy
As the Collier County business community’s voice, your Greater Naples Chamber fights for initiatives and supports legislation designed to improve the local business community.
For more than 75 years, we have built solid and credible relationships with elected officials on the federal, state, county, and hyper-local levels, to foster productive communication in support of the economic and public policy interests of our members.
A Policy Partner For Your Business
Public Policy Priorities
The Greater Naples Chamber, through its Public Policy Committee (PPC), recognizes strong economic sustainability, practices which support long-term economic growth without negatively impacting social, environmental, and cultural aspects of the community, as a vital component for our community to thrive.
We support legislation, statutes, ordinances, and referendums created at all levels of government which support the growth and strengthening of economic opportunities for all our members.
We advocate for methods and initiatives designed to produce long-term economic growth and prosperity by focusing on the following public policy matters important to our members and overall community:
We are committed to cultivating economic opportunities for all, and supportpolicies that enhance and expand opportunities for economic growth andviability in our community. We support programs and initiatives that help smallbusinesses prosper, encourage entrepreneurship and support the overalleconomic well-being of our business community.
We believe that a thriving education system is critical to our mission to cultivateeconomic opportunity in our community. That is why we support policies andinitiatives that expand access to high-quality affordable early learning options,incentivize work-based learning opportunities, encourage post-second dayeducation, and provide enhanced workforce training, upskilling or retrainingopportunities to meet local industry demands.
We support policies that balance the desire to protect and preserve our naturalresources, wildlife and waterways with the need to responsibly and sustainablygrow our community. We support efforts to address coastal flooding, mitigate redtide and blue-green algae, and protect our beaches and the Everglades.
We believe a healthy community is key to a thriving community, and supportaccess to affordable healthcare options for all. We support initiatives thatprioritize health and well-being, including mental, behavioral and physicalhealth.
We support adequate funding for projects focused on improving our roadways, hardening our buildings and improving our overall infrastructure system for current and future residents. Furthermore, we support initiatives that prioritize public safety, ensuring we maintain our status as the safest community in America.
We support policies that protect and ensure responsible use of our local tourismdevelopment tax, ensuring Collier County continues to attract visitors, maintainits beaches and protect its cultural institutions. We also support the full andsustained funding of Visit Florida, which supports our economy by attractingvisitors to our state.
We support policies that increase the access and availability of housing that isaffordable for our workforce, including policies that incentivize the developmentof housing near activity centers. We support proposals that incorporateworkforce housing into development plans, encourage mixed-income housingand provide opportunities for our county’s workforce to live and play near wherethey work.
Want To Get Connected?
For more information on advocacy and public policy priorities, please contact
Kristina Park
President and CEO of the Greater Naples Chamber