Commuting Patterns
Collier County Commuting Patterns data was collected through Lightcast. Net commuters in a region represent the difference between the number of region’s residents that commute to Collier County to work and the number of Collier County residents that commute to the region to work. Values greater than zero mean more people commute to Collier County work, while negative values mean more Collier County residents travel outside the county to work. Commuting patterns data are derived from the Census Bureau’s LED LODES dataset.
Counties with the highest net outbound commuters from Collier County in 2023 were Broward (1,515), West Palm Beach (1,210), and Sarasota (1,047). Counties with the highest net inbound commuters to Collier County in 2023 were Lee (7,881), Monroe (895), and Charlotte (568).
Next Update: February 2025